Monday 25 May 2009

Living Amidst The Rivalry of Colours

Yellow and blue often considered by some to be the colours of hope and serenity, have come to play a lasting role on the quality of life of Maldivians.

The rivalry between the colours is influencing the serenity so desired by a country which had witnessed profound political change over a short span of time. Yet, all this have created an abyss of confusion on the hopes for a peaceful existence.

A husband declares his faith to the colour blue. The spouse decides in her wisdom to remain silent and show her support to the colour yellow. The bond of trust which is the foundation of this relationship is stretched as one attempts to influence the opinions on the other, either overtly or covertly.

Another man fights at the dinner table convincing the rest of the family why blue may be a better colour than yellow. But not everyone agrees, arguements persist, voices are raised, some decide to leave in silence while others just keep their opinions to themselves instead of getting into conflict with the head of the family who may unintentionally crush their desire for free thinking.

It is unfortunate that the underlying beauty behind these lovely colours are getting lost in the face of chaos created by people who place personal agenda's over and above those of family harmony; maintaining the beauty of long standing friendships; values of being good neighbours;
and the simple joys related to peaceful every day human interactions.

A friend has chosen the colour blue over your preference of yellow. Then is this going to be the end of that friendship? Would one have to take guard over every sentence that is uttered of fear because what you say can stain your prefered colour? Or would it be possible to extricate the conflict of colours from your relationships by agreeing to disagree on the choice of colour you and your dear ones have made . But it demands maturity to not get sucked into the propaganda , chaos and conflict created deliberately by those who stand to benefit from it.

A rainbow united many hearts of a nation. While blue represented future serenity, for others yellow beckoned limitless hope.

But the colours can become subdued , change shades, or take unknown and confusing forms. It can sing songs which are melodious or ring bells of impending danger.

Yet, the human mind is able to make the choice to live in harmony amidst colourful flowers and protect oneself from its own thorns.
It is possible to make a deliberate decision to accept and respect the beauty of various hues around you. Thereby make a personal vow never to participate in violence or be a victim of destruction caused by strong weathers which may blow across this beautiful garden of ours as we enter this new phase of democracy.
These winds will pass; the weeds and trees together will survive and bask in the joys of serene bonds which has endured the tests of time.
Oneday....let us hope!


The Shadowrunner said...

As time changes, and worlds move on, politics today decides everything. Today's enemy may become tomorrow's friend, and vice-versa.

Everyone wants to bootlick - they have each, their own personal line at stake. This is the sad truth.

Anonymous said...

what do you think i should tell my father? if his family company owes millions of dollars to large businesses associated with former regime? And also if he thinks that he's a doctor.