Thursday 21 May 2009

Crackdown on Drugs in Maldives;Time to Support Drug Addicts Choose Recovery

It has been recently reported that the ongoing crackdowns on illegal drugs have created a shortage of heroin in the country.
This has led addicts to resort to the use of "vaanuva' which is an adulterated brown sugar further adulterated with powdered human bones; powdered detergents; benzopdiazepines etc..
Over the past years when ever there was a shortage of brown sugar, the sellers adulterated whatever stock they had by mixing it with things like saw dust, spices and other material as mentioned above.

However, when the adulterated versions run out, the chiefly heroin abusing society may very likely resort to the use of other substitutes like alcohol, eude-cologne, cough syrups and sedatives which can be bought over the counter (RSA, 2003) .
Sometimes they have resorted to the use of other locally grown intoxicating things like oshani or even moved towards solvent abuse. However, when crackdowns are not continous, fresh shipments soon find a way back into the society.

Therefore, I think, the community need to be made aware that there may be an increased demand for these substitutes. It is necessary that we discourage the sale of these commodities to people who may come to buy it solely for the purposes of maintaining their addiction.

One must also be made aware that addicts who may be suffering symptoms of heroin withdrawal in their desperation may use violence to get access to these toxic mind altering materials.

I guess there is a need therefore, that concernced authorities and NGO'S working in the field provide sufficient awareness and tips to handle this situation to family members , shopkeepers and pharmacists , so that they would be able to handle this situation in a responsible fashion.

Further, I think parents and community members must be made to realise that these young people who are going through withdrawal symptoms probably need medical help and this may be a good time to offer them support by facilitating the opportunity for voluntary rehabilitation.

Perhaps, you can succeed in making them understand that drugs like 'vaanuva' may be fatal and are silent killers.
Offer your help to these people and instead of abandoning them, convince them once again that a better choice would be to hold your hand of support and move towards treatment and rehabilitation instead.


Anonymous said...

this is great!
The government should start distributing this VAANUVA perhaps laced with potassium cyanide. We will be rid of this cancer once and for all.
Gas chambers is another costlier option

Unknown said...

When I was CHSE i remember my Islam teacher saying that there is no hope for drug addicts and they will never come back to their sane mind after they go into it...and the only solution is them to be separated from the society forever...

I lead the next 3 years believing what my teacher said in that class.

I have several drug addicts in my family and its a pity to see them in their situation. They have been in and out of rehab for the millionth time and yet i still have hope for them. I stil believe that they can stop it. They still continue to dissapoint me.

Yeah sure.. I dont know how it feels like to be an addict and i dont know what they are going through and i dont understand the pain that they feel every day.

Did anybody mention that suicide is also a possibility when these drugs become a scarcity.

I just hope the programmes available to these addicts become more effective.

Anonymous said...

The best solution is to apply the law to those who commit such acts...there is no way that you can treat them, may be one in a million?? Idont think thats a solution! If that rehab thing solves these issues we won't be talking about it...if you are clever enough you guys can name a single country which proudly says that rehabilitation is a solution for the addicts!

This is the waste of time and money? there are hundreds and millions of poor people around the world who could not take just a single meal a day...and you guys are talking about these idiots and care for them for nothing? they are the people who get into the mess and if they want they have to come out from the mess not us! we dont need to take burdens for them and simply apply the golden rules. Alcohol and illegal drugs have the same punishment in the law!

Some people think they are pretty good in giving advise and solutions if they studied in western culture but the reality is they are trying to apply things which contradicts their faith and culture! APPLY THE RULES TO SAVE THE COMMUNITY FROM ILLEGAL MATTERS LIKE THIS!